Super Bowl Prop Bets: The Jerry Jones Prop
Added on Jan 29, 2011 by Jack Thurman in

There are no shortage of Super Bowl prop bets at sportsbooks worldwide and we’re going to tell you how to make money betting them. Some of the best betting opportunities can be found on prop bets that have nothing to do with the sport itself. In recent years the mainstream media has started to cover the more unusual prop bets available and in response sportsbooks have tried to outdo each other with strange/amusing wagering propositions. Just because these bets are intended more to generate publicity than anything else it doesn’t mean that they can’t be handicapped and bet successfully. This wager from Bodog, for example, looks like it offers good wagering value:
How Many Times will FOX show Jerry Jones on TV during the Game?
OV 2.5 -130
UN 2.5 -110
Dallas Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones has never met a TV camera he didn’t like–well, except for the infamous rant where an apparently liquored up Jones goes off on Bill Parcells and Tim Tebow. And everyone knows that Jones is the catalyst behind the stadium and much of the reason that the Super Bowl is being played in the Dallas area to begin with.
Still, we don’t expect that Jones will be a ubiquitous sight at Super Bowl XLV. His team isn’t playing in the game, after all, and we’re thinking JJ will spend most of the game in a luxury box or other swanky location and won’t even be in sight of the cameras that often. Also, keep in mind the rules of the prop bet:
Wager is on the number of times Jerry Jones will appear on TV during the Game (from kick off until final whistle). Live pictures only, Any Taped Pictures or Past Video does not count towards wager. Bodog’s decision is final.
The ‘owner reaction shot’ is a championship game cliche, but why would they cut to Jones in the first place? He’ll no doubt be featured on the pre-game show in some capacity but we’re thinking that he’ll be largely absent from the game itself. Maybe one shot during a lull in the action, but we don’t anticipate that Jones will usurp the glory of the teams that are actually playing in the game. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if the NFL won’t pre-emptively keep him on a chain to make sure that the focus of the game stays on the teams and players involved.
Don’t expect to see much of Jones during the actual game, which makes our play on this prop the Under:
Bet ‘Under 2.5 Jerry Jones TV shots’ -110
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