Peyton Soap Opera Takes Another Turn


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Another day, another rumor/probably true story surfaces regarding Colts quarterback Peyton Manning and his recovery from multiple neck surgeries. In recent days, the drama surrounding the damaged nerves in his throwing arm has ratcheted up big time after a couple of respected NFL insiders publicly stated that Manning is still having trouble throwing a pass.

NFL Network talking head, and former front office executive, Michael Lombardi once again painted a dire picture for Peyton’s future in an interview with ESPN’s Bill Simmons.

“I think it’s unrealistic to assume (he can return). He can’t throw the ball,” Lombardi said. “I’ve talked to people who’ve caught the ball for him. He can’t throw the ball to his left. He can’t throw the ball across his body, because he doesn’t feel it. People who catch the ball for him say he doesn’t really have velocity on the ball yet.”

Lombardi’s colleague, Jason La Canfora, pretty much said the same thing a week ago, noting a persistent “tingling” sensation in Manning’s arm. Of course this contradicts Manning’s assertion that he’s on schedule to come back, despite not offering any sort of  timetable.

Even though these reports are from people in the know, they still fall under the category of speculation. Just because Peyton can’t grip the ball today doesn’t mean he won’t be able to in three months. However, the never-ending flow of negative information coming out of Indy isn’t doing anything to sway the belief that #18 is done.

Then there’s that pesky $28 million roster bonus due March 8th. Can Manning provide medical proof in less than one month’s time he is in fact on the road to recovery? Obviously the Colts don’t want to kick him to the curb with zero compensation, but investing a massive chunk of change in damaged goods is impractical, to say the least.

As it has been for months, the ball is clearly in Manning’s court. The onus is on him to prove he’s not a dead man walking.


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