2009 Horse Of The Year Rachel Alexandra Is Retired


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Unable to return to her top form after several disappointing efforts in 2010, the owners of Rachel Alexandra have retired their superstar filly.  After winning all eight of her starts in 2009—including three against male horses—she had won only two of five in 2010 and neither victory came against high level opposition.   Most recently, she was beaten by Persistently in the Personal Ensign at Saratoga on August 29.  She had been training at Saratoga recently and turning in some solid times, which made the timing of the retirement announcement somewhat surprising.

Owner Jess Jackson announced her retirement in a press release:

“As you know, despite top training and a patient campaign, Rachel Alexandra did not return to her 2009 form. I believe it’s time to retire our champion and reward her with a less stressful life. We are delighted that she will retire healthy and happy to our beautiful farm in Kentucky.”

“Rachel Alexandra’s 2009 campaign was one for the ages – one that racing fans will remember throughout time.  Rachel Alexandra owes us nothing. As a 3-year-old, she set standards and records that no filly before her ever achieved. And I suspect it will be quite a while before a 3-year-old filly ever equals or surpasses her achievements. Although her fans were thrilled by a series of spectacular victories, I believe they, as we, were simply awed time and again by her sheer beauty, courage and athleticism.”

Jackson and his partner Harold McCormick, bought Rachel Alexandra from original owner Dolphus Morrison following her win in the 2009 Kentucky Oaks. Two weeks later, she won the Preakness Stakes  over Kentucky Derby champion Mine That Bird.  She would later defeat male horses in the Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park and became the first filly in history to win the Woodward Stakes at Saratoga in September 2009.

Steve Asmussen trained Rachel Alexandra after Jackson’s purchase and had the following statement on her retirement:

“I have been blessed to have been part of history. We are all very fortunate that Rachel carried the banner following Curlin’s amazing success story. The fans adored her, we all did. She had the most fluid and beautiful stride of any horse I have ever seen. It’s been quite a ride.”

Jackson said that the working plan is to breed Rachael Alexandra with two time Horse of the Year winner Curlin this spring.

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