Steve Smith Embraces Thug Life In Carolina


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Cam Newton’s “I’m a lion” comments made to ESPN earlier in the week continue to spawn headlines. Basically, what he said was Carolina needs more guys like him, meaning good players, regardless of whether or not they toe the line. Teammate Steve Smith, who knows a thing or two about not toeing the line, seems to agree with his young quarterback.

Smith wants more ballers and shot-callers on Sundays, and fewer boy scouts.

“When your best is off the field (and) you ain’t doing very good on the field — your primary job — I think we need less guys that are worried about outside and need to start taking care of work inside,” Smith told The Charlotte Observer. “I’m not saying we have that case now. But I think that’s been in the past where people (said), ‘Oh, I love that guy. He’s a great guy.’ But he can’t play.”

Nothing wrong with wanting good football players on the team. Newton said pretty much the same thing, except he included an awesome metaphor involving a jungle cat.

“That’s the type of person that I am. I’m that lion. The house that I’m in is somewhat of a tarnished house where losing is accepted. But I’m trying to change that, whether I’m going to have to turn that house into a safari or I’m just going to have to get out of that house… I’m not trying to leave this place. I’m just trying to get everybody on my level.”

So, he’s a lion living in a house who really wants to live on a safari, but he needs the rest of the Panthers to become lions… or something. Maybe Smith can clear this up using language we can all understand.

“I’m no more the minority, the passionate guy, the loose cannon,” Smith said. “They’re getting a lot of guys in here that are no-nonsense, punch-you-in-the-mouth kind of guys.”

Coming from a guy who broke Anthony Bright’s nose back in 2002, Smith knows what he’s talking about. Thugs and those with questionable morals take heed. Carolina wants you.


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