Super Bowl Seating Cry Babies Continue To Whine


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You may not remember the Super Bowl seating fiasco that took place last February. Like most normal people, you no doubt have a life and have forgotten about it since its not a big deal. Shortly before gametime the fire marshals declared 1,500 or so temporary seats in Cowboys Stadium as ‘unsafe’ and a few hundred (475 to be more specific) fans had to watch from temporary seating with obstructed views. They also got a refund of well more than they paid for tickets, free food, drinks and souvenirs, and free ducats to next year’s game. They also had their travel, lodging and any number of other expenses reimbursed. Essentially they got everything except the opportunity to have Jerry Jones bend over so they could kick his ass.

So no big deal right? End of story? Guess again–it wasn’t more than a few days before these cry babies were making the media rounds boo hoo’ing that the experience was THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN TO ANYONE EVER! And of course they ‘lawyer-ed up’ and are trying to ream the NFL and anyone else involved for whatever they can get in a perfect example of what is wrong with the US legal system.

Michael Avenatti, a Los Angeles scumbag attorney representing the ticket holders is now trying to extort the league for ‘loss of income’:

“The law permits the fans to receive 100 percent of their damages, and we intend on recovering just that”

And, yes, they’ve already played the ‘emotional distress’ card. Obviously the NFL has bigger fish to fry at the moment but hopefully they won’t capitulate to these sleazy attorneys and the pitiful whiners they represent. No one was ‘harmed’, no one was ‘emotionally wounded’. There were some logistical issues, the NFL and the Cowboys did whatever they could to make it right and that should be more than enough. This is a cash grab, pure and simple, along with a bunch of overly entitled upper middle class idiots having their panties in a wad because they were ‘disrespected’. If the NFL does decide to cut their losses and settle, hopefully they’ll stipulate that they’ll make some payment to charity. That way people with real problems will benefit. Of course this wouldn’t be acceptable to the ‘displaced douchebags’ but their refusal to accept it would further emphasize that they’re basically the worst people ever.

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